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California methane leak set record, study finds

LOS ANGELES – A natural gas leak that sickened Los Angeles residents and forced thousands from their homes was the largest known release of climate-changing methane in U.S. history, scientis...

Federal jury to settle bitter battle between sweeteners

LOS ANGELES – Big Sugar and Big Corn are facing off in court this week in a bitter, multibillion-dollar battle of sweeteners that boils down to a mix of science, semantics and marketing. ...

Evidence mounts for powerful El Niño

LOS ANGELES – Evidence is mounting that the El Niño ocean-warming phenomenon in the Pacific will spawn a rainy winter in California, potentially easing the state’s punishing drought but also...

Finding cause of California oil spill could take months

GOLETA, Calif. – The operator of an oil pipeline that broke and spilled thousands of gallons of crude across a scenic California shoreline says it could take weeks or even months before inv...

Court ruling threatens drought-relief efforts

LOS ANGELES – In a ruling that Gov. Jerry Brown said puts a “straitjacket” on local governments trying to fight the severe statewide drought, an appeals court has found that an Orange County...

Virgin spaceship’s descent system deployed early

LOS ANGELES – Federal investigators say they have determined that a space tourism rocket broke apart in flight over California’s Mojave Desert after a device to slow the experimental spacesh...